I would like to start off by saying thank you to The Network Studios, NYC for inviting me to be a speaker on Sunday, January 25th. In this workshop, I found the usual suspects… passionate, eager, ambitious individuals who are seeking work as an actor… individuals which, like so many, seek without, but need to seek within!
What you all may not realize is that you have inspired me. Through this experience, I have become aware of the need to truly know one’s self. I am learning more about myself every moment of every day. Just when you think you know it all, life jumps in and shows you, you know nothing... These Actors open my eyes to something new and fresh.
The Interview...
Has I start with my routine of asking you all about yourselves. It never ceases to amaze me that such a simple question, leads to such a complicated response.
I know only the best are brought in to conduct such seminars and workshops… and then there’s me. I come from the only place I know which is simply, me. I come from a place of honesty and truth. Not to say that others don’t, but when I look and when I listen (which is a skill often misused), I am given the opportunity to see amazing things in individuals you, yourselves, often cannot see and often do not know. On Sunday, tears were shed and shared… some brought passion, others brought genuine curiosity, but you all brought something special and I was left inspired.
All that we have is all that we need… all that we need is all that we carry. What will get you to your goal is that which you possess. The hurt, the joys, the pain, the laughs… all of our experiences are with us to move us. Where you go with it is on you. Own your tears like you own your clothes. Love your hurt like you love chocolate. Live your life has if there's no tomorrow.
If you can’t BE yourself, how can you BE anybody else?
So with that said… “Preparation is Key!”
My ACT NOW Acting Workshops are designed for YOU… the actor within!
***For more information on upcoming classes e-mail: actnow@inthewinkofaneye.biz
***Please put in the subject: "keep me posted"